Google Hangout on Android – Immature Early Release

Next step for Google was to target different platforms. It evolved from Google+ (Google Plus) reached iOS devices, where Google lovers were missing a communication app (basically GTalk) from long time. It gave a way out to many users of third party applications, who were using these application only because GTalk was missing. Next, it reached to Gmail and replaced chat for Gmail. That was a great step. I personally liked it very much as I was able to start the hangout from within the Gmail, rather going into Google+ site. I still have the Google Talk desktop client and I can still use that for light weight quick chat. But, I can see that the future of this application also is in danger as Google has started redirecting it users from Google Talk download site to Google hangout site. So whoever have the copy of Gtalk installer dumped in some corner of their pc hard drive are the happiest people in the world. So, the people who have migrated from talk to hangout in other locations can still enjoy the lightweight chat over the desktop client version of Gtalk.

Published by

Anant Anand Gupta

Thinker, Innovator and Entrepreneur

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